Microwaved Foods - Healthy or Harmful?

Microwaved Foods - Healthy or Harmful?
I recently received an email asking if I could explain about 'microwave ovens', eating 'microwaved food' etc. So here it is.
The news is not good, if you prefer 'ignorance is bliss', now might be a good time to 'accidentally' have something better to do! When we think of 'natural' health & well-being, it would make sense that we would want to 'cook' our food in a 'natural' way.
It doesn't take much intuition to realize that microwaving your food, is about as 'unnatural' a way to cook your food as you can get. Doesn't the fact we use the terms, 'zap' it or 'nuke' it in the microwave, send a chill up your spine and suggest something is not quite right here?
A critical point is that microwaves don't actually 'cook' your food at all. They basically just heat up the water content of the food and cause the food particles to resonate at very high frequencies. This 'heats up' your food, but this is very different from 'cooking' your food.
It's like your food is heated but still 'raw'. It doesn't change the chemical structure of your food properly (and in many cases deforms the food molecules), thus substantially reducing your foods nutritional value. Worse however, is that microwaves can (and usually do) create harmful compounds that can lead to serious problems/disease (high cholesterol, cancer etc). * See the research further down.
Now, before you start cursing me again for making you feel bad (because you love your microwave and think life would be hell without it), remember, like all the health tips we give, you need to make them practical and still be able to function and enjoy life. However, while a little bit here and there won't kill you (not immediately anyway!) - regular intakes are a real problem.
Basically, microwave ovens decay and change the structure of food by the process of 'radiation'. Do you think if they were marketed as "radiation ovens", they would be so popular? No way, but that's exactly what they are. Simply put, you are interfering with/disturbing the 'natural intelligence' of the food (which is by far the most important part of any food).
Why wouldn't we hear more about their negative effects if they were so bad? Basically, for the same reason we don't hear about many of the things that jeopardize our health (until years after), vested interests and 'heads in the sand'. Most people don't want to give up something that is so 'convenient'!!! And as modern science doesn't value the fact that there is more to cooking food, than just heating it up, not enough proper research is being done.
 It's just another case of modern society, trying to use 'technology' to save time... unfortunately at the expense of our health & well-being.

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