Three Keys to Making Grilled Pizza

Three Keys to Making Grilled Pizza
Grilled pizza has become a very popular gourmet food recently and many amateur pizza chefs are looking for the secrets to making the best grilled pizza at home. Having some experience with the process of making pizza on the grill, I decided to detail the keys to my success.
The first key to grilled pizza heaven is to choose your crust. Homemade pizza crust is a good option and there are many available recipes that would be perfect for you to use. Another option, and a popular one, is to use a store-bought, premade pizza crust as a base. 
The benefit of using one of these is that they are more uniformly made and less likely to tear and spill toppings during the grilling process.
 Then, adding sauce comes next. Many choices of pizza sauce are also available, some homemade, and some purchased. It does not really matter which sauce you use, just remember to keep the sauce light and spread it out evenly on your crust, or you may end up with a pizza that is soggy.
The next key to grilling pizza is to choose and prepare the right toppings. Most toppings are great for this type of pizza, but it's important to remember that cooking times on the grill are far shorter than those used in an oven.
 Therefore, keep your pizza toppings sliced thinly to let them cook quickly. Precook meats, such as sausage or hamburger, before adding them to the pizza. 
Plus, vegetables such as bell pepper, and onion may need to be sauteed to soften them up a bit before using them on your pizza.
Finally, an important key that many cooks overlook the use of a proper pizza grilling pan. Yes, you can grill your pizza directly on the heated rack of your grill, but odds are it will stick and crack open before you ever get it finished.
 The easiest way to avoid this problem is to buy a specially made pan made for pizza grilling. These pans are made especially well to take the high heat found in grilling and are still easy to clean.
